It Takes a Team: 600yd3 Pour in Single Day
Contributed by: Kim Doggett & Jamie Reid
The Town of Cornwall continues to be one of Prince Edward Island’s fastest growing communities. Between the 2016 and 2021 census, the population grew approximately 23%. One of the major issues facing the town was low water pressure in certain neighborhoods and the worry of not enough supply to meet demand. It has taken several years of research and engineering audits to put together a solution to Cornwall’s water woes – a new water tower located in the 800 block of Main Street. The plans were announced in November 2023, and the new reservoir is expected to cost $4.6 million dollars. The federal government is contributing $1.6 million while the Provincial government is contributing $1.3 million.
Ocean Steel Rebar worked with island contractor WM&M (1993) Ltd on this project. Ocean Steel Rebar began work in mid-September and once the foundation was complete, had installed approximately 78.14 tons of rebar. OSCO Concrete also participated on this project, successfully providing 600 yd3 of concrete during 1 pour in mid-October. To accomplish this single day pour, OSCO began loading 24 trucks at all three PEI plants (Schurman Summerside, Schurman Charlottetown and MacLean’s Ready-Mix Montague) at 4:45 am. The pour required 2 rounds (180 yd3) from Summerside, and 2 rounds (120 yd3) from Montague, with the balance being supplied by Schurman Charlottetown.

Read more in our Connections Fall 2024 Newsmagazine.